[Asian Journal of Public Relations]Deadline extension: Call for Papers
관리자 2017.08.03 370

날 짜: 2017.08.03

수 신: 한국PR학회 전 회원

참 조:

목: [Asian Journal of Public Relations]Deadline extension: Call for Papers

Asian Journal of Public Relations

Deadline Extension: Call for Papers

Asian Journal of Public Relations (AJPR) has extended the deadline for the call for papers.

Thanks to all who have submitted their manuscripts for our review thus far. In response to a number of queries and requests over the past few days, we have decided to extend our deadline for submissions until August 18, 2017.

AJPR is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal for academics and practitioners of public relations. Published by the Korean Academic Society for Public Relations (KASPR), AJPR aims primarily to contribute to address or challenge the relation(s) between theory and practice in understanding public relations across multiple contexts. All theoretical and methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, critical, historical, legal, or philosophical are welcome, as are all contextual areas.

You are cordially invited to submit manuscripts for the first issue of AJPR. Manuscript for considerations in AJPR should be submitted to Dr. Miejeong Han (mjhan909@hanyang.ac.kr)

Subjects covered include, but not limited to:

Public Relations Theories

Critical Perspectives on Public Relations

Public Relations Practices(e.g., Media Relations, Government Relations, Community Relations, Employee Relations, Investor Relations etc.)

Public Relations & Media

Public Relations Ethics

Organizational Communication

Issues & Crisis Management,

Public Campaigns (e.g., Political, Health, Risk, Science)

Corporate Social Responsibility

Information for Authors

All manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (APA). References should be carefully edited to ensure consistency with APA guidelines. Authors are responsible for gaining permission for any copyrighted material that needs permission. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsein substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.

Articles should be accompanied by a cover page with the paper title and authors details (institutional affiliation, email address, and postal address). Author name and other identification information must not appear anyelse in the manuscript, except the cover page. All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of about 500 words and five keywords in English. The deadline for submitting papers is August 18, 2017, and the first issue of AJPR will be published before October 31, 2017.

If you have any inquiry, please contact,

Miejeong Han (Hanyang University, mjhan909@hanyang.ac.kr)

Editor in Chief

Hong-Lim Choi (Sun Moon University, CHL1214@sunmoon.ac.kr)

Associate Editor

사 단 법 인 한 국 P R 학 회

Korean Academic Society for Public Relations

[03760] 서울특별시 서대문구 이화여대길 52 포스코관 연구동 609

Tel. 010-9435-9971 E-mail : kaspr2017@naver.com

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