위기관리 특강 안내
관리자 2015.09.01 345

위기관리 특강안내

에델만의 글로벌 위기관리 전문가 특강이 서강대에서 열립니다. 한국PR학회에서는 본 특강을 후원하오니 관심있는 회원들께서는 아래 참고하시어 참석바랍니다.

- 주제 : 위기가 기업명성에 미치는 영향과 효과적인 관리 방안

- 강사 : Edelman사 위기 위험 관리 총괄 Harlan Loeb 사장

- 일시 : 9월 8일(화) 10:30 ~ 12:00

- 장소 : 서강대 가브리엘관 303-B

- 주최 : 서강대 커뮤니케이션학부

- 후원 : 한국PR학회

강사 프로필


Harlan Loeb

Harlan is a recognized expert in crisis and reputational risk management. With extensive experience in global crisis preparedness, he has developed a reputational risk decisional model for corporate officers.

Harlan has worked across all industry sectors representing clients including: Enron, Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber Co., Chevron, Gilead Sciences, Harley-Davidson, Juniper, Notre Dame, Waste Management, CME Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Dow Chemical Company, HSBC, Kraft, Grosvenor, GE Healthcare and SC Johnson.

Before joining Edelman, Harlan was a founding principal of Financial Dynamics’ Chicago office and a member of its U.S. Board of Directors. Licensed to the Bar in Illinois and Wisconsin, he practiced law with Godfrey & Kahn and then as Regional Counsel for the ADL. Harlan is also a professor of Crisis Litigation & the Court of Public Opinion at Northwestern University Law School and a lecturer and Ford Scholar at the Kellogg School of Management.
